Do you live YOUR life the way YOU want to live your life?
Do you live YOUR life the way YOU want to live your life?
The one gift every person really wants but will not ask for...
So much food and so many different flavors to savor! Food to taste - to love, to hate, to wonder what the heck are you eating!
What really matters to you? Lots of people come in and go out of our lives.
Love and community - you cannot have one without first building the other. We can no longer survive, let alone thrive, until we become interdependent.
The point of life is living in happiness. Everything you do targets the end goal of enjoying life - feeling good, at peace, healthy, and successful.
True happiness - it's what we want in life, yes? We do things we may not like so we can earn the money and the time and get the energy to buy and do things that make us happy.
Only that definition of happiness totally misses the point.
Affirmations always work. Your world looks like it does because of the affirmations you tell yourself every single day.
Only you have no clue you do it.
The affirmations that you think do not work absolutely cannot work as you desire because of how you say them.
However, those that do work - the ones that keep you stuck in a stressful job, that keep you awake worried about how you re going to pay your bills or lose that weight the doctor told you must come off --those affirmations work beautifully day in and day out
Gratitude and desire - are they partners or enemies in your world? How do you choose to practice each in your life OR do you only honor one?
Can you really practice both gratitude AND desire?
Your expectations limit your relationships. When you only sort for certain behaviors in people you miss the limitless possibilities between you.