The one gift every person really wants but will not ask for...
It is priceless and the best gift you can possibly give--for you and for them.
The gift everybody wants most is you - time with you 1:1 free from all distractions. No videos, no games, no riddles (food) except that which involves the two of you and no one else!
This video comes out of my archive of most important sharing for all time. InJoy!
Life is precious and time is short. Spend it with someone you truly love and care about.
And while you are at it realize the greatest gift you can give yourself and others is to be all you came here to be.
Want to simplify that process? Read this short but super powerful classic which is based on teaching as old as the Bible and KIng Solomon, Aristotle and Plato, James Allen, Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein - to make a few of the world's happiest most successful people ever.
When the doctors said I could not heal from the brain injuries, when they were dumbfounded by my quick healing from a blood clot in my lung - I did what is outlined in this work to live my results and thrive!
If I can do it then you can too. You just need to know the what and how. This book is the simplest, clearest and most concise explanation I ever witnessed. Personally I have the audiobook, paperback and digital versions and I access them pretty much every day.
Hey, it is what you believe you can do and doing it daily to build the new neuronal pathways that lead to happiness across your life.