Brain, Mind and Mindset

THRIVE! Don’t Just Survive
“Ali tells her story all about the obstacles she had to overcome in life. But this is more than just that - it's also a guide, a kind of reference almost, for how each of us can overcome tremendous problems that we come in contact with everyday. I really recommend this book for anyone looking for help on how to live a great life - but also to thrive.”
Lynn Bryan
Lynn Bryan

What You Don't Know You Don't Know: How Your Brain and Mind Keep You Stuck
“The subtitle of this book sums it up perfectly - unless you understand the spiritual principles at work, your brain and mind will work to keep you stuck. This book explains these universal spiritual laws in an easy to understand manner. The analogies the author chooses for the conscious and subconscious minds bring the concepts down to earth making them accessible to everyone.”
Edwin Harkness Spina

Mental Illness: Consequences When the Brain Misfires
“When mental health issues strike your family personally, all information and perspectives help you to formulate what plan of attack you want to take. I would recommend this book if you want a unique perspective from someone who has personally experienced the issues. “
Michael J James

Romance Killers: Top 7 Mistakes That Doom Romance
“I've already shared this with two friends and counting.... If you're looking for love, or even looking for insight.... Buy it!”
(Paperback version of How To Repair The Top 7 Relationship Mistakes: Find Romance NOW)

How To Repair The Top 7 Relationship Mistakes: Find Romance NOW
“How to Repair the Top Seven Relationship Mistakes by Ali Bierman is an excellent educational guide to first help you recognize the interference factors that are common in relationships and then offer practical step by step solutions to these issues. Chalk full of helpful knowledge with a smooth and inviting writing style, the author opens your mind to relationship blunders but makes certain you understand where you can make the changes to better your scenario.”
Cathy Wilson

7 Secrets to Relationships That Last and Last and Last

Stay At Home Mom: Lousy Pay, Lousy Hours, Priceless Rewards“There is no more important job than being a stay at home mom (or dad). And this book reads like talking to a wise and supportive friend. In Stay At Home Mom: Lousy Pay, Lousy Hours, Priceless Rewards, Ali Bierman tells sweet stories about raising her kids, as a stay at home mom, throws in some profound quotes and most important, packs the book with useful “real world” tips. “
B. Nelson

Teleseminar Recorded Live: Cornerstones of Parenting hits on basic parenting know-how for parents of young children: toddler through elementary school ages.
17 Parenting Mistakes: What To Do Instead
Kids don’t come with a “How To Parent Manual". These 17 mistakes happen commonly for most parents. The details of the 17 mistakes as well as actions to take instead of those that created the mistakes will lead you and your child to better relationships and a happier home.
Parents, You Gotta Ask Questions: How To Build Adolescent Self Esteem
“The author makes the point that kids are their "ownselves" even though they are your offspring. To be able to guide them in their development of self esteem, you need to understand how they think and react to situations.
By asking questions you get a better understanding of what is going on inside their minds and how they view "their" world. It is important to know what questions to ask and understand what their answers mean.”
Carolyn O. McAulif
Fun Stuff
Christmas Art To Eat
"Christmas Art to Eat by Ali Bierman is a unique Christmas treat recipe book that comes from passion. You can tell the author loves what she does and this makes this book that much better than many of the holiday recipe books out there.
I can't wait to try the Christmas Card recipe! My recommendation is you give this book a read and let the author know what you like!"
Cathy Wilson
Ali's Recommendations
Health and Wellness
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