Hot air comes in two varieties - one to avoid and one to enjoy.' The former drains your energy and tries your patience while the latter brings a smile.
Hot air comes in two varieties - one to avoid and one to enjoy.' The former drains your energy and tries your patience while the latter brings a smile.
How does your garden of life grow? Does your path lead to your desired destination? If not then why not?
What are emotions?
Recently I shared a series about emotions and emotional addiction. And I never actually defined what emotions are, how they impact us and what to do with them.
Be, do, have, life success formula, shows you the only way to live your life your way. No matter how much you say you want to change, no matter how many programs you buy, no matter how many webinars and seminars you attend, until you apply this formula nothing will change.
What is happiness to you? The definition is personal to you. Until you take time to really figure out what your life looks like and feels like when you are, in fact, happy, then you will never know true happiness - for you.
The only happiness that makes a difference for you is the one you define for yourself - and only for yourself.
Do you ever wonder how you block happiness?
Hmm. Do you know that you are the sole source of your happiness - or the lack thereof?
If you are like most people you want to enjoy your life and live in happiness every day. Yet you take actions that stop you from reaching your happiness goal.
What matters most in life?
So many people stride to buy more and more things, to engage more and more services to save time (yeah, right!), and to do the chores they really don't like doing.
In the big picture, the memories that trigger love and peace and joy, become the moments you treasure. Those moments - those people, those experiences - allow you to repeat each precious experience.
Make this one the best one - of your life.
This year do something different. No more same old same old resolutions. No more intentions without action. Want a new life? Start today.
In part one we saw what matters most in gift giving. Now let's go to the next level.
They want, and they deserve to know the very best you that you can be.
They want that for their relationship with you and, more importantly, they want you to live your Very Excellent Life for you.
Given that gem of deep truth, what action are you now taking to love yourself first? Remember, loving yourself first is not selfish. It is mandatory. You cannot give what you do not have.
I recommend starting here. Something here is calling to you. Your turn to respond. Staying stuck in ho hum , settling for mediocrity, is a choice you make. Thriving is an alternate choice.
What are you waiting for?
What people really want for the holidays fulfills both an immediate and forever need.