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Category Archives for Health

What Matters Most

​What matters most in life? 

So many people stride to buy more and more things, to engage more and more services to save time (yeah, right!), and to do the chores they really don't like doing.

In the big picture, the memories that trigger love and peace and joy, become the moments you treasure. Those moments - those people, those experiences - allow you to repeat each precious experience.

After all, your mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. So each recollected moment restores the same physical and emotional feelings you had when the event first occurred.

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My Mom had Dementia – the Dangerous Kind

When my mom turned 80 she started seeing things the rest of us did not see. And that would have been fine day I walked into her home and found her in the kitchen getting a knife to kill herself. She said she had to take her life before "they" hurt her.

Thank goodness I was a psychotherapist and knew the mental health system and how to get help.

Clearly she was a danger to herself.

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book of Holiday edible sculpture

Shocking Truth

Last weekend I hosted one of my favorite kinds of holiday parties. I asked guests to bring a dish to share that was a traditional dish in their families at this season. In past years my guests excitedly shared both the tradition of their dish as well as the yummy food.

Living in a melting pot of cultures always made the event one of surprising delights and heart-warming stories.

So I was shocked how differently this year's event ran.

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Eat, Drink and Be Merry This Holiday Season

'Tis the season to celebrate with family and friends. That means yummy eats AND treats to drink.

What a joy - finding Kami’s video guide to perfectly complement my Christmas Art To Eat recipe book. Click on the snowmen party to get Ali's Ebook at a very special no-brainer price.

Holiday Sculptures you can eat? They taste great, are so easy to make AND they are good for you (but don't tell anyone).

And the ebook comes with step-by-step photos as well as a BONUS video to get you through the challenge of making a sweet bread dough.

Ah, but don't stop there.

When you eat you get thirsty, yes? So what are you gonna do about that?

In this online video course, Kami walks you through the specific real life steps that she's used to help hundreds of families love and embrace their Herbal Tea Home Hydration Station.

Learn tips and tricks to get the most nutritional value out of your herbal brews

How to create healing herbal teas that you will love to drink

Learn the exact strategy that Kami developed to help people transition from sodas and sugar drinks to healthy, healing, mineral rich, herbal drinks

Learn exactly what to do to turn your teas into delicious party drinks

Learn the exact strategies that Kami's students use to get family members drinking healthy, healing, mineral rich herbal teas while ditching the sodas and sugar drinks

Every mom deserves to have natural remedy know-how to raise a healthy family, but you don’t want to be the natural remedy lone ranger, do you?

As you know, you can’t shove health down your family’s throat (did you ever try to do that, right, it doesn’t work). But there are some things you can do to transition them into it that are painless and not so in their face… 

You can’t make them be interested in health, but what you can do is learn to make yummy herbal drinks that they love that over time win them over and eventually they start asking for the herbal teas and drinks themselves!

This is where the herbal tea kick start guide comes in.

And the big question is, if herbal teas aren’t part of your daily life? How are your kids going to learn to take care of themselves?

Click on the yummy drinks to start Tami's program today and save $50. Oh, and wait until you see the  super gift Kami shares with your purchase today. Hint: This looks like one gift BUT it is to see the surprise.

Click the Snowmen to Start Today

Click the drinks to Start Today

Still here? What are you waiting for? Begin your fun adventure and tease your tastebuds NOW.

Autoimmunity: How To Finally Heal

​Do you know that autoimmunity cannot be healed with pills? In fact, mainstream medical's methods of treatment make the condtion worse. There is actually a name for it. The leading authority on autoimuunity, Dr. Peter Osborne,  calls it "The Prescription Pain Trap."

Click to find out how I learned about autoimmunity in my own life so it doesn't hap[en to you this way

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Your Healthy Lifestyle Creates Health At Any Age

​Your healthy lifestyle leads to your enjoying health at any age.  You don't get sick or fall apart because you age. ​

​You get sick and lose your health because of the unhealthy lifestyle you have lived for decades.

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Your Bones and Your Relationships – Your Relationship Intelligence part 2

​Bones and relationships - the status and health of each reflects your lifetime of relationship events and your interpretations of each.

​In part one of this introduction - explaining what Your Relationship Intelligence is, how you create it ​and why it matters - we explored the nerves, muscles and organs. 

In part two we explore the bones, the skeletal system, and how it reflects other aspects of your life experience.​

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Candida – The Secret Silent Killer

In 1996 I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury causing what absolutely devastated my entire body and triggered dangerous emotions. Unfortunately, the 16 doctors on my medical team had no idea that Candida was the culprit causing many of the symptoms I will share with you in a moment. 

The fact is, I struggled not just to make it through each day but to WANT to make it through each day.

And that went on for four years.

I paid a high price for the ignorance of mainstream medicine

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Relationships and Immunity

Immunity to colds  as well as heart attack prevention reflect healthy relationships .All your relationships contribute to your well being or the lack of success.

More precisely, your interpretation of the events in each of your relationships builds or damages your health and happiness.

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80% of Diseases Begin in the Mouth

80% of diseases and conditions begin in the mouth. Your dentist unknowingly - or knowingly these days but not realizing the consequences to you, use practices that harm you.

Here is why you want to register here. Do it now. You hold your life in your own hands.

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