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Category Archives for Health

Losing Weight Still Eating What You Want To Eat

The headline on the NBC Nightly News proclaimed that this woman lost 50 pounds eating anything and everything she wanted - so long as she only ate during certain hours.

There was an amazing story about Lorna, a 58-year old woman who was struggling with her weight.

She ballooned to nearly 250 pounds, had to have both knees replaced and had trouble walking. 

However, everything changed after she followed 1 simple piece of advice from researchers at the University of Alabama. She lost 50 pounds, had more energy and felt the best she had in years. 

Her secret?


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What is Health Really?

What is health really? Mainstream medicine is all about medicine and procedures to treat symptoms. Hmm, nothing to do with eliminating causes. 

After all, symptoms are the effects, the results of causes.

So then, what is health and how can you get truly healthy?

Very simply put - your health reflects your entire life-history of relationship events. surprised? 

This video explains how that works.

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Hormone Balancing Exercise – For Women Only

Hormone balancing for women is tricky at best. No matter what stage your are in life - peri-menopause, menopause, post-menopause - discover how to optimize your nutrition and exercise to always feel and look your best.

It is a matter of lifestyle - knowing what works and what definitely doesn't.

If you've been doing everything "right" and still suffer discomforts or can't drop the weight then this info is for you.

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Health Tips: The Basic Truths

What creates health? The basics that determine how healthy you are - emotionally, physically, spiritually AND in your relationships and career - are known by only a handful of healthcare practitioners and spiritual leaders.

Surprising, don't you think, that mainstream medicine treats effects (symptoms) without ever looking for causes? So-called alternative healthcare, on the other hand,  addresses causes that source illness and conditions.

Actually, so-called alternative healthcare dates back thousands of years.

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Healthy Teeth and Gums

The state of your teeth and gums reflects your health - now and in your future. Knowing how to keep your teeth healthy and your gums disease-free makes all the difference in whether or not you will suffer from serious diseases or chronic conditions in your life - sooner or later!

Click to discover how oral hygiene impacts your well being physically and emotionally.

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Forgiving – A Matter of Life and Death

When you fail to forgive yourself or others you set off dire, even fatal, health consequences.  You see, forgiveness is not simply about letting go of your past hurts. In fact, you likely may not realize all the people in your world who need your forgiveness.

Remember that forgiveness is really about forgiving love to those who seemed to have cause you pain, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual.

Forgiving matters to your well being.

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