Why am I sharing about CBD? Am I trying to get you high?
No, CBD will not get you high like marijuana does.
Remember a few weeks ago I recommended Sayer Ji's international bestseller, Regenerate? He spoke about CBD twice when recommending supplements to boost and maintain health.
I was looking for a top quality product that met my high standards and my friend, who I had not talked to since moving across the country, called me to tell me about her new business in - you guessed it- CBD.
Trusting her wisdom and integrity as a nurse and phenomenal energy practitioner, I jumped in as she educated me about the forms of CBD and products to assist me personally.
OH MY GOODNESS! It did so much more than maintain my health.
I never expected anything noticeably different. After a week, taking one capsule at bedtime, I found my sleep deeper with only one bathroom trip (instead of 2-3) each night. Thankfully I have now slept all the way through the night twice!
Suddenly my Qigong and workout moves, that had been so painful and challenging since the brain surgery altered my body, flowed easily. In fact, I could move in ways I had not been able to for 8 1/2 years!
Ah, but there is more. With the paralysis in my swallow muscles I had begun choking badly again, to the point I was moving toward mostly smoothies so I could swallow the nutrition without the chance of not breathing again! Thankfully my swallowing is back to the usual caution and no choking!
And yesterday, for the first time in 8 1/2 years, I was able to jog - smooth gate and no falls. I feel so excited - and grateful.
Note: those are my personal results. Yours may differ.
Your body is designed to support well-being.
Pure joy is your birthright. Self care, with safe practices and safe pure products to magnify the impact of natural processes, leaves you feeling as great as the woman in the top photo!
CBD receptor cells enjoy a boost to do their job well.

Now you know why CBD helps the whole body. Discover why Joiya was created in this video...
Not all CBD is created equal. You get what you pay for! Get the details and discover how you too can feel better, be happier, and enjoy life again. Tour my site here.
Contact me with your questions about stepping into health and happiness.
And. if you already tried CBD without great results or even if you enjoy some results consider a switch to JoiYA - a company of Joi not just CBD. The 30 Day Bottom-of-the- Bottle refund if you do not see a benefit, coupled with the clear COA details of where and how the hemp was grown, plus the specific test results from the very batch in your personal bottle - signed by the lab technician - many reasons to take a look.
Hi lady
Great conversation, lots of wonderful info. Thanks and love. Stay well and safe.
Thanks for the feedback. Please take care of you. when we each take care of ourselves everyone benefits. IT is theonly way to be the best YO(U possible! tghe best you possible is a priceless gift to the world.