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Category Archives for Personal Development

your thoughts create your reality

How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Your thoughts create your reality in each moment - out of your awareness. Your perspective - how you interpret what you experience - forms your life.

Everything in your life is all about you!

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Addicted To Emotions

So many people feel trapped and overwhelmed when actually they are addicted to emotions. Addictions are not just about drugs or alcohol.

Emotions, including stress, drive addictions

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2 Habits That Keep You Stuck

Two habits that keep you stuck operate out of your awareness. Okay, more than two, however these two totally prevent your moving forward in life. Until you replace these two habits you will never be healthy, happy, or successful in life.

Your habits define your future. Why? How?

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Habits Define futures Until They Don’t

Habits define futures until they don't. Until you become aware of the habits that keep you stuck, your life will continue to be crummy, disappointing and frustrating at best.

Change is up to you.

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Learn and Teach: How to Resolve Your Issues

Learn and Teach, the formula for personal growth, reflects what you learn about yourself and then teach others what they don't know they don't know!

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Gratitude Makes Your Brain Happy

Gratitude actually changes your brain creating happiness which then leads to more success in all areas of life.

No kidding.

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Holiday Crazies

Holidays - what a hectic - and stressful - time of year! Sure you get the fun events - parties, dinners, time with friends and family. Ah, but the scheduling, the travel plans, and, oh my - buying all those gifts. You know, the gifts no one actually wants that may be used briefly then discarded.

Have you ever gone to a store the day after Christmas to return or exchange your gifts? I bet you only did that once and never faced that mob scene again.

All that tension tends to displace the merriment of the season, doesn't it? Well, especially if you are the host of the party or the main gift buyer for the family. Family. Hmm. IS that family gathering your biggest stressor?

And then there are all the people who do not have family or friends to share the celebrations. And those who do not celebrate any holidays at this time.

While that may not be in the case in the USA, in the rest of the world the story is quite different. Ah, but, surprisingly, even with all the extravagant spending int he USA, all those dollars pale in comparison to what people spend around the world.

I know. Hard to imagine, isn't it?

Today I want you to remember that no matter how stressful or exhausted you feel right now, no matter how alone you sense yourself to be in making all these decisions, purchases, and plans, the fact is you are never ever alone.

In every moment of every day you are held with Love in Light. Seriously - you are never alone. Nor are you ever subjected to life experiences without your greater good in mind.

"What the heck? So why do I feel so pressured, so stuck, and so unhappy?"you ask.

The very simple explanation begins in this video.

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Strength – It Moves you Forward in Life

​Strength gets you through the tough times - physical and emotional. To thrive, develop your personal strength in both areas.

​ You get to choose how to face the situations that will come up in life.

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Transition: The Next Step

​Transformation vs change. What's the difference? When you make changes does your life, in fact, change in any significant and PERMANENT way?

​Forget the temporary fixes that do not work. 

​Ready for your permanent life overhaul?

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Making Changes in Life

Making changes. For many people the prospect of making major life changes is terrifying. For me, the thought of staying in the same life routine forever is downright scary.

I've have always been someone excited to jump into change. When offered the chance to move across the country, some years back, I was packed and moved within three weeks.

Oh my goodness! I grew through so very many life changes with that move.

Well, actually I grow quickly with each life change I choose. And, by the way, many choices came by default . I discovered that the only growth in my life that moved me forward came after dramatic, and often painful, events.

In fact, when you talk to some of the greatest, most accomplished people in all areas of life, you will hear, over and over again, their success came after a life crisis.

You see, when you are comfortable - or even just settling for things as they are - you cannot grow. You are not willing to change anything. Often, the Universe forces you to grow by moving you into a crisis situation.

I am now moving into a new life adventure. Watch the video to see how I am starting my journey. Tell us how you make life changes. Say, how about sharing your most recent life change. You may spark someone's imagination and move them into stopping the ho-hum and increasing their happiness, health, and success.
