Your Relationship Intelligence
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Sleep is not a luxury. It is mandatory for well being and every part of your body to function properly. Sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours night hurts you.

Your physical and emotional body need rest to maintain health on every level.


According to the CDC, 1 in 3 adults do not get enough sleep. That staggering statistic explains why we are one of the unhealthiest populations in the world - behind many third world countries!

What does it mean? Why is sleep so necessary? Discover some startling truths in this video - along with solutions!

Don't just sit there watching and reading. 

In each moment your body continues to deteriorate - unless you actually do sleep soundly for 7  to 8 hours each night.

Ready to do something to feel better and stop the deterioration and decline that unknowing doctors call old age?  

Grab your FREE audiobook and listen to it. Read the accompanying PDF. KNOW your facts.

And then APPLY what you discover.

why WE Sleep audiobook

Click on the book image to get your FREE copy and FREE trial.

Add more ammo to your arsenal. Register for this free summit and get your gifts NOW. Start sleeping better tonight.

Sleep Summit registration page banner

Your health and happiness lie in your hands. You can choose to decline day by day, I guarantee you will,  OR you can take action now.

Click one or both images to tell your body-mind-spirit you are NOW ready to feel great!

About the Author Ali Bierman

Ali Bierman has been a relationship expert most of her life. As a wife of 32 years, mother, psychotherapist, specialized kinesiologist, ordained metaphysical minister, best selling author, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award winner, gifted artist and composer, teacher, family member and friend, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Change happens instantly in Ali's world. What takes a long time, and maybe never happens for some people, is getting ready to change.

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