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Category Archives for Relationships

Lifestyle and Health

Your lifestyle creates your health, your happiness, and your success. For most people the key missing ingredient in lifestyle is relationships.

Your relationships determine every aspect of your well being - not just your romantic relationships but all of them - the one you have with yourself, with others, and with a Higher Power.

Your relationship success turns on some genes and turns off others.

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Who Are You Really

You are not who you think you are. You are not who others think you are either.

The Universe talks to you constantly, guiding you toward your best life. Ah, which means discovering your True Self, the self beyond your physical being.


Click to discover how to become the you who you REALLY are.

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All Is One in Love and Light

All is One in Love and Light. In every moment of every day you are held with Love in Light.

What do those words mean? What does it mean that All is One?

Everything is energy. All people, all of nature, all manmade creations are, bottom line, made of energy.

Science confirms that reality.

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Ho’ opponpono: How To forgive

Hoʻoponopono is a meditation, a philosophy for healing relationships.

It works by eliminating the troublesome thinking within you. In other words, your inaccurate thoughts create the rifts between you and other people.


So then, how do you use it to actually eliminate the"bad blood" you feel toward someone else?

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Rock Your New Year’s Resolution

Happy New Year! So, did you make some resolutions this year? Did you make some resolutions last year? How about the year before last?

Did your resolutions happen for you? Did you fulfill on what you told yourself you would?

If you are like most people then your response is definitely, "No."

Well then, what will be different this year? Why bother making resolutions you know you won't keep?

These three steps  all but assure your success....

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Family vs Friends

​Family vs friends. Does it feel like the two are mutually exclusive in your life? When you step back and think about how you behave toward your family members vs how you belhave toward your friends what do you find?

For too many people family does not receive the same respect or honoring as do friends.

Wondering why friends often rank higher than family?

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Universal Law of Giving and Receiving

​The Universal Law of Giving and Receiving supersedes the marketing hype of Madison Avenue, explaining the true intention of gift giving - and receiving.

​During the holiday season, especially, people get caught up with what they perceive as obligations to buy buy buy gifts for people. Often they have no desire or love behind those choices - either to give or what to give.

On the other extreme are those who believe it is better to give than to receive.

What's wrong with that notion?

The Universal Law of Giving and Receiving supersedes the marketing hype of Madison Avenue, explaining the true intention of gift giving - and receiving.

​What is the one and only reason to give anyone a gift?

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cellphones and tablets ruin relationships

Cellphones Ruin Relationships

Contrary to public opinion, cellphones ruin relationships rather than foster closeness. They do NOT build stronger bonds or inspire truth in friendships.

Cellphones do more to destroy relationships than to help you simplify and improve your life.

People tend to obsess over staying in constant contact - immediately responding to texts and calls fearing that not doing so will cause the person sending the message to go elsewhere or connect with someone else who is more readily available.

Recently, some teenagers guest co-hosting the podcast, Brains On, a science show for kids and curious adults like me, participated in a week-long experiment. Along with some friends they put away their cellphones for a week.

Their report was quite fascinating. While one said she initially feared missing out on current happenings in her peer group, she soon realized how much she enjoyed reading books, playing her saxophone more and just plain being in the world doing usually activities.

If you fear turning off your own smartphone I encourage you to listen to that episode here. It just may change your life.

For many, the fear of income loss pushes people to rudely answer a call or text message even during meal time or in social settings.

The reality is that cellphone addiction destroys relationships - romantic, famiiial, and professional too.

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Top 7 Relationship Mistakes

The top 7 mistakes people make in relationships doom them to repeat those mistakes and never find the love they want. Discover what to do instead.

Listen to the interview where the caller asked, "My daughter is dating a convict. How do I stop her?"

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