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girl with chattering brain

The Voice In Your Head

Two voices talk to you inside your head. One is that critical little voice that  you think is your real self telling you about your life, about your world. The other voice is your intuition.

Say what?

All that inner talk has been going on all your life. It is your norm! You have no awareness that one voice is not even yours - and that is the one keeping you stuck, discouraged, and feeling ho hum at best.

I wrote a special report describing both voices and how they play out in your life. Download your copy now.

Relationships Rule

Relationships Rule takes on two distinctly yet equally powerfulmeanings when the two words appear together.

The first meaning relates to the fact that all problems that happen in your life reflect disconnects in one or more areas: your relationship with yourself, your relationship with other people, or your relationship with a Higher Power.

Click to discover why your world doesn't look like you wish it did.

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very sad woman

Disappointing Love Life?

Tired of dating - or marrying - the same guy - different face, different name but same habits?

Click here to change everything.

person running on hamster wheel

Get Unstuck

Feeling stuck - like you are running on a hamster wheel and can't get off? What you are doing isn't working. 

Duh! Bet cha' aren't doing this!

Tell us what you think you could be doing that you  are not doing NOW that when you begin that action - your life will change. And the more you do this one thing the better and better your life will look.

Hey, you are here to enjoy life not to tiptoe through it hoping to get safely to the end!

2 jars reveal the Real You

The True You

The True You reveals itself to you, sometimes in simple ways as with  these two jars. Neither jar contained what I thought was in it - wreaked havoc with my biscuits-making!

You are not who you think you are. You are not who others think you are.

woman in burnout

Life is Crazy

How many times do you hear yourself describe your life as crazy? Maybe you say crazy busy. Maybe just plain CRAZY!

You are not alone.

If you re woman, today, you may be part of the sandwich generation - caring for your family, your kids, your parents, managing your household and juggling work. No wonder you sometimes wish you could just escape.

No wonder so many women, and some men too, suffer from anxiety and restless sleep.

Here is a solution - NOT chemicals that alter your body and mind and pose threatening side effects - but  something your body actually produces. Unfortunately, as with many other nutritional power houses, this one declines as we age. Yet your receptor cells remain active and ready to absorb this compound once consumed.

What is it?

Watch this short video for the solution to 

  1. sleep better

  2. reduce discomforts

  3. regain clarity  

create a happier life style with healthier habits all while being providing extra income.

Yes, you can create residual income to carry you through the years when Social Security is not enough.

Are you actively building your retirement income?

If you see yourself in this video then take action now.

Suffering is a choice. Wellbeing is also a choice. Your choice!

Let's explore your possibilities today. Feeling crummy, or worse, crazy, feels crummy. Live again in JOy! Contact me here.

man hitting head on wall

The Big Myth KeepingYou Stuck

Millions of people live unhappy lives day after day, year after year, and decade after decade. They believe the big myth that keeps them stuck in ho hum, in misery, in mediocrity.

It all boils down to the BS you tell yourself.

Think you do not perpetuate your BS, the life habits keeping you from happiness and blocking you from living your dreams? Think again. 

Grab a glass of water and get real comfortable. This video presents the life lesson no one taught you. Taking it on can FINALLY lead you out of your stuck, boring, frustrating and painful life.

You deserve better. You deserve to live everything you desire.

Watch the video all the way through to actually know how to stop hitting your head against the wall! Discover how to replace the gloom with a genuine smile.

You hear a voice in your head. I know it. You probably don't. Come back next time to meet and greet the TWO Voices In Your Head. 

Who are they and what do they want from you?

Ali with sign 1+1= 3

1+1= 3

Happiness happens when 1+1 = 3. Gift two friends then treat yourself to something new for you. After all, you deserve a special treat too!

What do you want for you - today?

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angry man refusing to forgive

Forgive? NO WAY!

Forgive when you don't want to. It is the right thing to do, right? For whom? It sure doesn't feel right to you when you feel angry or hurt.

Why should I forgive? You don't know what happened to me!

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Ali reading a book

Books: A Priceless Gift

Books are the priceless gift that open your mind and take you on journeys to places you dream about, and sometimes only you can imagine!

Books in the home influence intellectual growth in children whether or not parents read those books to them.

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