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Category Archives for Diet and Nutrition

variety of meats

What You Eat Impacts Everything in Your Life

What you eat  and what you eat eats, and how you eat it dictates your mental and physical well being. A healthy microbiome makes a happy life.

Looking at the meats in the title photo?

Surprisingly, beef liver is one of the healthiest most nutritious foods you can eat. At just 2 ounces daily I get more vitamin C and omega 3s than in any plant sources. 

A carnivore diet is not all about muscle meat. I eat lots of liver, kidney and heart - in very tasty forms. I also tried pancreas and spleen but, lets just say I will stick with the previous selection and get the last two from pasture-raised desiccated organ tablets.

I enjoy duck, quail, bison/buffalo, venison, elk, chicken, peacock - and though I ventured into kangaroo and alligator I found both less than luscious. I make everything myself from scratch so an invitation to my kitchen table becomes quite an adventure.

Weird, huh? I recall the day my brother was terribly upset when I served kidney bean lasagna. Oh dear how that diet screwed up my hormones!

Since going full out on the carnivore diet, as explained in this book, my heart stopped all the nearly constant arrhythmia that followed nerve damage 9 years ago with brain surgery. Life had gotten so limited because I could not count on being able to breathe and function well with unexpected frequent episodes. 

I found that predicament especially upsetting because I did not feel safe being alone with my grandchildren. I went through some very challenging moments.

My doctor, not knowing how to help me heal from the debilitating state detailed here, told me to eat a carnivore diet. He explained that the body does not need fruits or vegetables - and I discovered that truth rather quickly when I went from what Dr. Paul Saladino terms the Carnivorish Diet, to an actual Carnivore Diet. 

Think what I just said is heresy?

That diet is the G.A.P.S., essentially, that was developed years ago (I highlighted it in  a 2014 book on mental health - that I have not yet published) as it has been used to reverse autism and many functional medicine and holistic docs today recommend it to reverse autoimmune conditions - a painful condition I saw in my own health - something that started when that brain tumor started growing.

I cannot recommend educating yourself highly enough on the program which is a lifestyle - I rarely get hungry. I used to have to get up in the middle of the night and eat when my brain used glucose/carbs for fuel and now it uses fat so hunger rarely happens and I sleep better!

Oh yeah, you won't the hangries because you do not need to refuel every 1 1/2-2 hours because your blood sugar level drops and your brain gets fuzzy.

Duh - the brain is 70% cholesterol. Of course it prefers fat for fuel - but not just any fat. There is a huge difference between animal fat and oils from seeds and plants. The research abounds!

Read Dr. Stephen Gundry's Plant Paradox and Longevity Paradox to understand why plants do NOT furnish nutrition your body uses and in fact does the opposite. 

Plants do not want to be eaten and their defenses lead to hormone disruption and all kinds of failure to assimilate and use nutrition from plants.When I stopped eating grains years ago I noticed I felt better. BUT I was eating more leafy greens in a week than most people eat in a year. And that habit seems to have caused the nearly non-stop heart arrhythmias.

Oh yes, this is a biggy you want to know...

How many people do you know who had knee or hip replacements because arthritis ate up their cartilage? Note that is a fairly recent phenomena - since the wheat grown today has 7x as many chromosomes as the ancient variety and, guess what - and this is documented -  destroys cartilage.

Pretty good reason to stop eating gluten - at the very least.

I cannot tell you that eating this way will resolve your heart arrhythmias. It works for me and I am ever so grateful to the doctor who told me to stop the Carnivorish diet (animal products and vegetable and fruits and nuts and oils) and go 100% carnivore.

I eat a HUGE variety of animals and organs which surprises me. I used to be vegetarian and lost my health and almost lost my life all while gaining LOTS of weight  during my fifteen years as a vegetarian. On the other hand - I (and my family) never got sick even when half the school was out with the flu none of us ever suffered any illness. We did eat organic all those years. And I have always cooked everything from scratch - well almost everything. We did eat out too.

I get my pasture-raised animal products here.  I also am graced with a farm 15 minutes down the road where they raise peacocks, emu, elk, bison/buffalo, elk, venison and poultry. So you know, the farmers who raise those animals create a negative impact on green house gases and use less soil than growing plants - which is wiping out rain forests.

Get the facts and stop swallowing the propaganda on nutrition. Just take a look at society and realize the US ranks at the BOTTOM, according to WHO, on health among developed countries. Avoid following the research sponsored by the companies (through devious deceptive means covering up their participation )making the products and "advice" never based in evidence. Learn how to distinguish the honest research from the cherry-picked half-truths (or worse).

Educate yourself. Personally I own both the printed and audiobooks so it's easy to learn and then to take written notes I easily reference. I do not recommend anything I do not personally use.

Click on the images to access the books/audio books on Amazon. If you do not have an Audible account follow this link for a 30 day free trial and get a free download that you can keep even if you cancel your membership.

I highly recommend an audible membership as it offers very many free free audiobooks, podcasts, magazines and even amazing courses for one low price. It is my favorite app and I spend hours daily learning, growing and being entertained.

plant paradox book
plant paradox audiobook
longeivy paradox book
longevity audible
carnivore code book
carnivore code audio book

when I first heard of the carnivore diet I thought the guy was nuts - the guy being Dr. Paul Saldino who was once a raw vegan! What do you think about all this?

Leave a comment and share where you are in terms of diet, nutrition and wellness. Are you able to do all the activities you want to? How clear is your thinking? How often do you feel a need to snack?

So you know, if you make a purchase using links on this page I may receive a commission from Amazon which helps support my work online.
